I2 Analyst Notebook For Mac

Future of Crime Analysis Software

Analyst's Notebook, part of the i2 Clarity Platform, delivers the richest assisted analysis and visualization capabilities in the world to support analysts in quickly turning large sets of disparate information into high-quality and actionable intelligence to prevent crime and terrorism. On the other hand, apps for iOS must go through Apple’s testing approval and process before it is distributed on iTunes App Store. It may be difficult to get approval from Apple for such industry specific software such as the future versions of mobile i2 Analyst Notebook, ArcGIS etc. This is no disrespect to Apple. This video shows how to purge (remove) the attributes from an IBM i2 Analyst’s Notebook (ANB) chart. In Analyst’s Notebook, while there is an option to purge data records from the items on an ANB chart, there is not a similar feature to purge the attributes for all or some of the items on a chart.

(Picture Source: http://wondrouspics.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/01/ipad-3-concept2.jpg)

Since smartphones and tablets have become popular, software developers are increasingly developing software for these devices. The two most popular operating systems or development platforms for smartphones and tablets today are iOS (developed by Apple) and Android (developed by Google). Developers are creating software not only for PCs, they are creating software for mobile devices (smartphones and tablets) to either compliment their PC software or develop exclusively for mobile devices.

Companies like i2 and ESRI, who develops software used by law enforcement, will do the same. They will create software for mobile devices that law enforcement industry can use on the go. Will the conservative nature of the law enforcement industry embrace it? I hope the answer is ‘yes.’

(picture source: http://www.bcs-gis.com/images/AppImages/CAT3_large.jpg)

Android would have more advantages over iOS as a development platform for these software. Because of the open nature of Android, it is easier to develop apps for Android than for iOS and distribute it without much hassles from Google. On the other hand, apps for iOS must go through Apple’s testing approval and process before it is distributed on iTunes App Store. It may be difficult to get approval from Apple for such industry specific software such as the future versions of mobile i2 Analyst Notebook, ArcGIS etc. This is no disrespect to Apple. Apple is very restrictive and closed by nature, and it works well for them because they are wildly successful as a company.

It would be crazy to imagine creating network analysis charts and criminal organization charts on a tablet mobile device. Users will use their hand to move entities around on the chart and use their fingers to create links between various entities. Users can take charts with them on the go and update information right on the chart in their tablet when they come across new information anywhere anytime. No need to sit in front of the police station PC to work on it. Need to sit down with a constable in his squad car and discuss the chart with him and make changes on the go? No problem! Take the tablet on a ride along and get it done.

Mobile device technology will change the future. Software used by law enforcement needs to change with it.

I2 Analyst Notebook For Mac

(Picture Source: http://patronusanalytical.com/files/afghan-qwam.jpg)

(picture source: http://www.geospatialtraining.com/Newsletter/CrimeAnalysis/three.jpg)

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i2 Analyst's Notebook

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I2 Analyst Notebook For Mac

i2 Analyst's Notebook

Developer / company:IBM

i2 Analyst’s Notebook is i2’s award winning visualization and analytical product that not only allows users to create visualization charts but gives them the tools required to further analyze the information held within their charts.

In conjunction with compatible i2 products, Analyst’s Notebook allows users to include and reference information from electronic data sources.

The ability to visualize this information in Analyst’s Notebook charts is extremely important to many users that have access to a multitude of data sources.

Proven in defence, law enforcement and commercial organizations world-wide, Analyst's Notebook has become a de facto standard for the exchange of information between agencies.

i2 Analyst's Notebook works with the following file extensions:

Note: You can click on any file extension link from the list below, to view its detailed information. The list of extensions used or otherwise associated with the application may not be complete, because many common file extensions on our website, such as jpg (pictures) or txt (text files), can be opened by a large number of applications, or are too general file format. However most, if not all directly associated file extensions should be listed with its appropriate program. Although its likely, that some file extensions may be missing from the list of associated file extensions with the application, yet they can be opened, be part of, or otherwise be associated with the program.

I2 Analyst Notebook For Mac Download

i2 Analyst's Notebook default file extension associations



Comparison table of actions that i2 Analyst's Notebook can perform with each of its associated file type beta

This table might not contain all possible associated or supported file types or may contain incorrect data.
If you need more information please contact the developers of i2 Analyst's Notebook (IBM), or check out their product website.

I2 Analyst's Notebook For Mac Download

File type Action

















