Enable Ssh On Windows 8.1

This chapter explains how to install Cygwin and start the SSH daemon on Microsoft Windows hosts. This chapter is applicable only when you want to install a Management Agent on a Microsoft Windows host, using the Add Host Targets Wizard or EM CLI. In particular, this chapter covers the following:

This guide explains how to install and configure a SSH server for a Windows XP home computer. SSH (Secure Shell) is a secure communications networking protocol based on the client-server model. It’s used to log into and execute commands between remote computers or devices and is widely used as a secure replacement for the insecure telnet. SSH Server for Windows 10, 8, 7 and Windows Server 2008 and up! The Georgia SoftWorks SSH Server is based upon the robust and reliable Universal Terminal Server and provides secure remote access to your Windows host including Secure Remote Logon, Secure Data Exchange and Secure Access to your application on a Non-secure network!


  • This article describes an update that enables Windows RT to update to Windows RT 8.1, and that enables Window 8 to update to Windows 8.1. See the prerequisites before you install the update. If you have Automatic Updates enabled on a computer that has update 2871389 installed, this update enables an automatic Windows 8.1 upgrade.
  • Just click to install the software. On older versions of Windows, you may need to run the installer manually. Open the Windows Explorer (right-click on the Windows logo in the bottom left corner), navigate to the Downloads directory (or wherever you saved the installer), and double-click on the file name. A detailed description can be found here.
If you do not want to install Cygwin to deploy Management Agents on Microsoft Windows hosts using the Add Host Targets Wizard or EM CLI, you can choose to deploy Management Agents on these hosts using the PsExec process utility. For information on how to deploy Management Agents on Microsoft Windows hosts using PsExec, see Appendix F.

5.1About the Cygwin Requirement for Installing Management Agents

The Add Host Targets Wizard is an application built into the Enterprise Manager Cloud Control console. It offers GUI-rich, interactive screens that enable you to install Oracle Management Agents (Management Agents) on unmanaged hosts and convert them to managed hosts, so that they can be monitored and managed in Enterprise Manager Cloud Control.

When you use the Add Host Targets Wizard or EM CLI to install a Management Agent on a host running on Microsoft Windows, as a prerequisite, you must install Cygwin and start the SSH Daemon on the host. To do so, follow the steps listed in Section 5.3.

Cygwin is essentially a utility that offers a Linux-like environment on a Microsoft Windows host. Technically, it is a DLL (cygwin1.dll) that acts as a Linux API layer providing substantial Linux API functionality. Once you install Cygwin, you can configure the SSH Daemon on the host. The Add Host Targets Wizard is certified and supported with Cygwin 1.7.

The SSH Daemon enables the Add Host Targets Wizard to establish SSH connectivity between the OMS host and the host on which you want to install a Management Agent. Using this connectivity, the wizard transfers the Management Agent software binaries to the destination host over SSH protocol, installs the Management Agent, and configures it.

5.2 Before You Begin Installing Cygwin

Before starting with the SSHD setup, ensure you are not using OpenSSH and MKSNT when using the Add Host Targets Wizard. To do so, perform the following checks:

  1. Ensure OpenSSHbin and mksnt are not in your PATH environment variable. If they are, remove them by doing the following:

    1. Right-click on My Computer and go to Properties.

    2. In the System Properties window, click Advanced.

    3. In this tab, click Environment Variables.

    4. Here, search for the PATH system variable, select it, and if the OpenSSHbin and mksnt are present in PATH, click Edit.

    5. In the Edit System Variable dialog box, delete these two values from PATH,then click OK.

  2. Stop the SSH Daemon if it is running from OpenSSH, MKS or any other vendor. If the SSH Daemon is running, stop it by doing the following:

    1. Right-click on My Computer, and select Manage.

    2. In the Computer Management window, in the left pane, expand Services and Applications, and select Services.

    3. In the right pane, click the SSH Daemon/MKS Secure Shell service, then click the Stop button.


The navigational steps described in this section may vary for different Microsoft Windows operating systems.

5.3 Installing Cygwin

To install Cygwin on a Microsoft Windows host, follow these steps:

  1. Access the following URL, then click Install Cygwin:

  2. Download the 32-bit version (if you are running a 32-bit version of Microsoft Windows) or the 64-bit version (if you are running a 64-bit version of Microsoft Windows) of the Cygwin setup executable.

  3. Run the setup executable, then click Next to proceed.

  4. On the Choose Installation Type screen, select Install from Internet, then click Next.

  5. On the Choose Installation Directory screen, enter C:cygwin as the Root Directory, then click Next.


    If you choose to install Cygwin in a different directory, then ensure that you update the SSH_PATH, SCP_PATH, MKDIR_PATH, SH_PATH, CHMOD_PATH, and TRUE properties present in the $<OMS_HOME>ouiprovresourcesssPaths_msplats.properties file to their proper Cygwin binary values, after installing the Enterprise Manager system.

    For example, if you choose to install Cygwin in the D:softwarecygwin directory, then update the specified properties in the following manner:

  6. On the Select Local Package Directory screen, select a directory on your local machine where you want to store the downloaded installation files, then click Next.

  7. On the Select Connection Type screen, select appropriate settings to connect to the internet, then click Next.

  8. On the Choose Download Site(s) screen, select any site from the available list, then click Next.

  9. On the select packages screen, ensure that you select the following packages, then click Next:

    From the Archive category, select unzip and zip as follows:

    From the Net category, select openssh and openssl as follows:

    After selecting the packages and clicking Next, the Resolving Dependencies screen is displayed. Click Next to proceed.

  10. On the Installation Status and Create Icons screen, do not make any changes. Click Finish to complete the installation process.

5.4 Configuring SSH

This section describes how to configure SSH and test your Cygwin setup after installing Cygwin on a host.


While configuring SSH, you may need to run the 8.1

Enable Ssh On Windows 8.1 Free

cygwin.bat script. While running cygwin.bat in Microsoft Windows Server 2008 and Microsoft Windows Vista, ensure that you invoke it in administrator mode. To do this, right-click the cygwin.bat file and select Run as administrator.

To configure SSH and test your Cygwin setup, follow these steps:

  1. After you install Cygwin, navigate to the C:cygwin directory, open the Cygwin.bat file in edit mode using any editor, and add the following line before invoking the bash shell.

    set CYGWIN=binmode ntsec

    For example, here are the contents for the Cygwin.bat file after adding the above line:

  2. To verify if Cygwin (cygrunsrv) is installed properly, run C:cygwinCygwin.bat, and execute the following command:

    If Cygwin is installed properly, then all the Cygwin help options are displayed on the screen. However, if this command returns an error message, then you may have to reinstall Cygwin.

  3. To configure the SSHD service, run C:cygwinCygwin.bat, and execute the following command:

    After running the command, you are prompted the following questions:

    At this point, if you want to use the same name, that is cyg_server, enter no. You are then prompted the following questions:

    However, if you want to use a different name, enter yes. You are then prompted the following questions:

    If the configuration is successful, you will see the following message:

  4. Backup the c:cygwinetcpasswd file and then use any editor to open the file in edit mode. Remove only those entries of the user that you will use to connect to the host on which you want to install a Management Agent. Ask the user to make a backup of the c:cygwinetcpasswd file before editing.

    • If the user that you are employing to connect to the host on which you want to install the Management Agent is a local user, run C:cygwinCygwin.bat and execute the following:

    • If the user you are employing to connect to the host on which you want to install the Management Agent running is a domain user, run C:cygwinCygwin.bat and execute the following:

  5. (Only if the Cygwin software you have installed is of version 1.7.32 or higher) Open C:cygwinetcsshd_config in a text editor and add the following line to the end of the file:

    KexAlgorithms diffie-hellman-group-exchange-sha1,diffie-hellman-group1-sha1

  6. (For a domain user only) If the user you are employing to connect to the host on which you want to install the Management Agent is a domain user, do the following to start the SSH daemon:

    1. Right-click on My Computer, and select Manage.

    2. In the Computer Management dialog box that appears, go to Services and Applications, and select CYGWIN sshd.

    3. Right-click CYGWIN sshd and select Properties.

    4. In the Properties dialog box, go to the Log On tab.

    5. Here, specify the domain/user name and password. Click Apply.

    6. Run C:cygwinCygwin.bat, and execute the following:


      If /var/log/sshd.log does not exist, you do not have to execute the following commands:
  7. Perform one of the following steps to start the SSH daemon:

    Run C:cygwinCygwin.bat and execute the following command:



    Run C:cygwinCygwin.bat and execute the following command:

    cygrunsrv -S sshd


    Perform these steps:

    1. Right-click on My Computer, and select Manage.

    2. In the Computer Management dialog box that appears, go to Services and Applications, and select CYGWIN sshd.

    3. Click CYGWIN sshd, then click the Start button.


    If the SSH daemon does not start up, view the c:cygwinvarlogsshd.log file for information on why the start up failed.
  8. You can now test your Cygwin setup.

    To do this, go to a different machine (that has the ssh client running), and execute the following command:

    For example,

    This command will prompt you to specify the password. When you specify the correct password, the command should return the accurate date.


If you experience a process fork failure, memory leak error, or a file access error after configuring SSH, view the following website for a workaround:

If you are unable to find a workaround for your problem, report your problem to the Cygwin community using the following website:

5.5 After Installing Cygwin and Configuring SSH

Ssh Server On Windows

After installing Cygwin (as described in Section 5.3) and configuring SSH (as described in Section 5.4), follow these steps:

  1. If the OMS host runs on a Microsoft Windows platform, perform the following on the OMS host:

    1. Right click My Computer, then select Properties. In the window that appears, select Advanced system settings, then select Environment Variables. In the System Variables section, create the CYGWIN variable, and specify its value as nodosfilewarning


      You do not need to restart the host after performing this step.
    2. Navigate to the Cygwin install directory (that is, C:cygwin if you chose to install Cygwin in the default location), open the Cygwin.bat file in edit mode using any editor, then edit the following line:

      For example, these are the contents of the Cygwin.bat file after editing the above line:

    3. From the Start menu, select Run. For Open, enter services.msc, then click OK. Search for the Cygwin SSHD service and stop it.

    4. Navigate to the Cygwin install directory (that is, C:cygwin if you chose to install Cygwin in the default location), then run Cygwin.bat. Run the following command to start the SSHD service:


      Running this command may return an error mentioning that /var/empty must be owned by the root user. If you encounter this error, run the following from the Cygwin terminal:

      After running this command, retry the $ /usr/sbin/sshd command.

  2. Perform the tasks mentioned in Step 1 on all the Microsoft Windows target hosts (on which you want to install Management Agents using the Add Host Targets Wizard or EM CLI).

After Windows XP, part of Microsoft secure initiative was to disable programs and services which were not needed by default in Windows. This applies to both, Windows and Server editions. When you were using Windows XP, telnet was bundled in the installation. All you had to was to type telnet in to the command line.

In Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 8.1 and Windows 10, telnet is not enabled by default. But good news is that it’s still present in the installation. All we have to do is to install the telnet client in Windows and you can use it after restart. When ever I remember I enable telnet after every new installation, that way I don’t have problems in the future when I need to telnet to a device. By using this quick guide, you can install Telnet in Windows 10 and Windows 7. I admit, I didn’t know how to enable Telnet in Windows after the changes as well.

Symptoms: When you type telent in a command line, you will receive a message:

‘telent’ is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file.

Use these steps to enable telent in Windows 10, Windows 8.1, Windows 8 or Windows 7:

  1. Click on a Start button
  2. Start typing Control so that Control Panel desktop app will show
  3. Switch to a Category view
  4. Click on Programs
  5. Click Windows features on or off
  6. Select Telnet Client
  7. Click OK
  8. Restart a computer.

Telnet client will be enabled and can be used.

Tutorial with pictures:

Click on a Start button. Type Control. Windows search will find a Control Panel and will show an icon, click on the application.

When Control panel will open, check the view you are using on the top right side. If View by: is not set to a Category based already, you should switch to a Category view. Then click on Programs on the bottom left side.

Once you click on a Programs, new window will open. Click on Turn Windows Features on or off in a Programs and Features section.

New window will open called Windows Features. Here you can enable all the features that are disabled. We will enable Telent client. You have to click on a tick box in front of Telent client.

You will see a new window installing windows features, more importantly Telent client. When the operation is complete, you need to reboot your computer.

After a Windows restart, open a Command Prompt and type in telent. If you see a Welcome to Microsoft Telent Client messagee, Telnet client was properly enabled / installed.

Free Telnet alternative for Windows

While Telnet is handy, there is much it can’t do. There is a free program for Windows called Putty. Putty can connect to a Telnet, SSH, Rlogin and even a Serial port session. You can save sessions so that you don’t have to type the same information every time you connect to the same session. You can download Putty from the official website

You can also use Superputty which is a wrapper for putty that manages multiple sessions. It can do tabbed sessions, tiled sessions, and so on. It’s home page was moved to Github.

Enable Ssh On Windows 8.1 64-bit

Speaking of putty, Kitty is a fork of putty which has many additional features, one of the most popular ones is that you can save session in files which you can share with your friends. In addition it supports transparency, an icon, background image, Zmodem integration and many more. You should know that it keeps feature and version parity with original version.

Commercial alternative to Telnet and Putty

I know many Network admins who swear by SecureCRT. SecureCRT has many additional features, usability and organizational improvements over Putty, like tabbed browsing, ability to save sessions along with key mappings, colors, fonts and much more….

Second popular commercial alternative to Putty is MobaXterm. I don’t know the program but from what I heard works like a charm and people love it. Then again, Telnet or Putty may work great for you.

Enable Ssh On Windows 8.1
