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  • How To Play Super Shot Soccer Rom On PC. There are two components for playing a psx Super Shot Soccer rom on your PC. The first component is the emulation program which can imitate the psx OS and software. The second component is the Super Shot Soccer rom itself to play on the emulator. Step 1: you can start by downloading a reliable and bug.
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Team Buddies PS1 GAME ISO – Sebuah game populer dimasa PS1 dulu, game ini bergenre Tactical Shooter, Nah game ini sekarang ini sudah bisa lancar dimainkan di PC dan Android, Sebelumnya sudah ada game sepak bola yang bisa jurus yaitu Super Shot Soccer PS1 GAME ISO.

Download Team Buddies PS1 GAME ISO Google Drive, The game is set in Buddie World, a peaceful world inhabited by pill-shaped creatures called “Buddies”. One day, an eclipse occurs, and crates fall from the sky. After finding weapons inside the crates, the Buddies are segregated by colour and begin fighting for supremacy.

As the violence spills into other regions of Buddie World, the player learns that the other teams are being assisted by a scientist called Doctor Madasalorrie, who has also been experimenting on animals in Buddie World. The player eventually meets Madasalorrie and persuades him to defect. However, he later goes missing and is presumed dead after failing to destroy an enemy-run factory, forcing the player to complete his mission.

It is later revealed that the crates came from the Baddie Moon, which is inhabited by cube-shaped creatures called “Baddies”. The Baddies dropped the crates to Buddie World and filmed the ensuing carnage for a television show. The player travels to the Baddie Moon and is tasked by the president of Buddie World with killing the Baddies and destroying their capital city, which is the source of the crates.

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The player later learns that Madasalorrie is still alive and is a Baddie disguised as a Buddie. He helped boost the ratings of the Baddies’ TV show by having the Buddies kill each other with more lethal weapons. The season finale of the show involves Madasalorrie using a death ray to destroy Buddie World. The player kills Madasalorrie, rescues the moon’s aliens before the moon’s largest volcano erupts, and destroys Madasalorrie’s most powerful killing machine, restoring peace and order to Buddie World.

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  • Size : 234MB

Cara Install Team Buddies :

  1. Download file dari link diatas
  2. Extrak dengan Winrar
  3. Jalankan file tadi lewat Emu
  4. PC pake Emulator PS1 PC
  5. Android pake Emulator PS1 Android

Team Buddies PS1 GAME ISO

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Super Shot Soccer PS1 GAME ISO – Sebuah game yang melegenda ya, dimana game ini bergenre sport game sepak bola dengan jurus, game ini sudah lancar kalian mainkan di Android dan PC, Sebelumnya kita juga sudah membagikan game keren RPG yaitu Suikoden II PS1 GAME ISO.

Download Super Shot Soccer PS1 GAME ISO Google Drive, Released at the height of the 2002 FIFA World Cup and late in the PlayStation’s life, comes this title with Captain Tsubasa-alike or superhuman soccer players coming from all over the world. The game features over 30 national teams (those who have qualified for the 2002 World Cup) that have at least two special powers (some of the special or elite teams like the Hong Kong team are hidden) ranging from special passes to protective abilities to a boost in speed to auxiliary skills to even the goalkeeper shooting a little spirit-bomb type attack that mows down players in an exaggerated Shaolin Soccer fashion. The player also has a few typical customizable options, but its main draw is the special abilities and team match-ups.

The moves for each team are based on their country’s symbols, sights, and culture. For example, the Danish team can change player into a hulking Viking boat or the Brazilians can change into the Christ the Redeemer statue to temporarily block a path to goal. Special abilities can be done with L1 plus either Triangle, Square, or “X”. Different special moves use different amounts of players’ teams special energy. Also, every team has a powerful player with an “S” over their head, who can make attacks they specialize in more powerful. The players can also use old-fashioned passes and footwork to outmaneuver its opponent, though characters move a little stiffly, especially on turns. It was done in part to simulate more realistic movement in the sport.

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  • Size : 252MB
Download Super Shot Soccer Pc Tanpa Emulator

Cara Install Super Shot Soccer :

Download Super Shot Soccer Pc Tanpa Emulator Download

  1. Download file dari link diatas
  2. Extrak dengan Winrar
  3. Jalankan file tadi lewat Emu
  4. PC pake Emulator PS1 PC
  5. Android pake Emulator PS1 Android

Download Super Shot Soccer Pc Tanpa Emulator Pc

Super Shot Soccer PS1 GAME ISO

Download Super Shot Soccer Pc Tanpa Emulator Windows 10

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